
Moonrakers: Titan – Late Pledge

Created by IV Studios

Explore the Moonrakers universe once again with 3 new expansions, a digital co-op game mode, big box, and exclusive holographic cards. Every order will get a flat rate shipping fee added determined by your address.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Just 4 Days Left, Holo Voting #23, Luminor Initiative - Decrypted Message #7
over 2 years ago – Wed, Aug 10, 2022 at 08:25:36 PM

Only 4 Days Left!

Time sure goes quickly when you're having fun, and it sure has been fun unlocking so many holo cards!

While holo cards are great, what we are most looking forward to is delivering your games quickly and hearing what you think of the new content and Titan box. Returning to Moonrakers to make these expansions has been a true joy, and we can't wait to share that experience with you. 

We couldn't make games without you and are so thankful to you, whether you have been here from the beginning or have just discovered IV.

#23 Holo Voting Open Now

Some fun Binding Ties cards to choose between today!

As for yesterday's results, the Tributor crushed the IO Exhaust E1 by nearly 400 votes!

Decrypted Message #7

The Moonrakers' codebreakers have decrypted the seventh transmission from our deep cover agent. Listen in on the transmission below:

$1,600,000 Raised, Holo Voting #22
over 2 years ago – Tue, Aug 09, 2022 at 12:53:28 AM

$1,600,000 Raised!

The team has recovered enough from Gen Con to realize how incredible it is to be at this milestone. We have said it many times, but truly — thank you for your support! 

With just 5 days left in the campaign, we are thrilled to be getting close to the next alt art unlock, Kal Damar. If you've had a chance to play the new Luminor expansion, you'll know Kal particularly well. Kal is unlocked when the campaign reaches $1,650,000, in addition to our normal holo unlocks.

#22 Holo Voting Open Now

This will be vote #60, which is an incredible number of holos to make — that doesn't even include our other holos like alt art and social unlocks.

As for yesterday's results, the Arbiter beat the Mill by just 37 votes!

Holo Voting #21, Gen Con Update
over 2 years ago – Mon, Aug 08, 2022 at 07:55:20 PM

#21 Holo Voting Open Now

Two very interesting cards today — we are very curious about which you will prefer!

As for yesterday's results, another IO Crew has made it through! Welcome IO Wraith 3000.

Gen Con Update

Our team spent the last four days meeting countless amazing people throughout the halls of Gen Con. Many of you stopped by the booth, and your kind words along with genuine excitement for Titan were encouraging beyond words.

We were able to sell out of the Moonrakers base game, Veiled Fate, and only have 8 copies of Mythic Mischief remaining, which feels awesome :).

Thanks for stopping by and saying hello. Now it's time to get some sleep.

Holo Pack Voting Update, Holo Voting #20, Luminor Initiative - Decrypted Message #6
over 2 years ago – Mon, Aug 08, 2022 at 05:05:25 PM

Holo Pack Voting Update

We caught up! After the absolutely insane early success of the campaign, we questioned whether we'd ever catch up with all the unlocked holo cards. After voting on three cards a day for nearly the whole campaign, we finally caught up :).

Moving forward, we'll be voting on cards as they are unlocked! The end of the campaign will likely lead to a few more multi-card votes, and we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

#20 Holo Voting Open Now

Can the IO crews continue their winning streak?

As for yesterday's results, Armitage was eliminated in a very close run with IO MG21! The Reclaimer also barely won over the MG Overcharger, but the Augmentor 2050 easily surpassed the IO Buffer 2050. 

Decrypted Message #6

The Moonrakers' codebreakers have decrypted the sixth transmission from our deep cover agent. Listen in on the transmission below:

Third Social Stretch Goal Unlocked, Holo Batch #19,
over 2 years ago – Sat, Aug 06, 2022 at 06:31:06 AM

Luminor Social Goal Unlocked!

We are so excited that so many of you have already downloaded Luminor and given it a try — we hope that a second way to play means it makes it to your table even more often!

If you still haven't had a chance to play, you can download it on Steam by clicking here.

As a reward for crossing 3,500 downloads, Redacted will now be included in every holo pack.

Voting Open Now on Batch #19:

The IO Crew have been sweeping the last few days, another one is up today.

As for yesterday's results, the MG Upgrade Core won over the IO Hotshot 1050 by just 10 votes! In a very different story, IO L1-ON and Devotion 3050 barely faced any competition against Kin Tobor and Magnetite M1.

Gen Con Update

Gen Con has been amazing this year — so many familiar faces and good games! Thanks to those of you who came to hang out and see the Titan box. 

If you are at Gen Con this weekend, we'd love to have you visit us at booth #2469 (back right).